Wendy’s Sea Log
8/6/11 to
At Sea – Gulf of Mexico
Greetings to all again, and welcome back to the highjinks
and shenanigans of your humble Able Seaman. Joined the ship in Violet, LA, on
the muddy Mississippi , just south of New Orleans and not too
far from where they fought the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. Hadn’t been here
since 2004, so I didn’t know what Katrina had taken and what she had left.
They’ve re-done the Superbowl, the food is still great, the politicos are still
crooked, and all’s right with the world. The road to the ship had a tree lined
avenue section, with big oaks or big somethings overhanging it, like you see in
the road up to the plantation house. Did Katrina demolish them? There was a 90
year old frame house near the ship, and the lady who lived there had a lovely
garden with roses and other flowers. She had once given me some for the ship.
Was it still there?
The trees remain, and are still grand. The house and garden
are there, and well cared for, but I didn’t get a chance to knock on the door
and say hi. I couldn’t find Bessie, our gate security guard, or anyone else I
shipped with here in 2004. But the new gate guard is an off duty cop, and if
you ever get in trouble down here, just mention my name and you’ll be fine. Under
the table money is good too.
Started off on the wrong foot when signing ship’s articles.
I signed my name on the Captain’s line, and flubbed up a couple of other
places. That is not the way to make a good first impression. I then went to my
room, pulled out a piece of paper and wrote, “I will never mess up signing
articles again.” twenty-five times, and handed it in to the Captain. So I’m
still aboard.
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